Individual Membership
Sustaining Member [$250 USD]
Your membership will help sustain FMHAC so the Association can continue to provide support and education to professionals in forensic mental health. The benefits of Sustaining Membership include reduced fees to our annual conference and trainings, access to the Members Only area of the website, networking opportunities, and special recognition at the annual conference.
Regular Member [$100 USD]
The benefits of membership include reduced fees to our annual conference and trainings, access to the Members Only area of the website, and networking opportunities.
Student Member [$25 USD]
Receive all the benefits of a Regular Membership, including reduced fees to our annual conference and trainings, access to the Members Only area of the website, and networking opportunities. (Your Student Membership will not be valid until we receive verification of full-time student status. Verification is accepted via fax, email or mail.)
Memberships are valid July-June. All new members will receive access to the Members Area of the website within 5 business days.