The 47th Annual FMHAC Conference
April 13 - April 15, 2022
April 13 - April 15, 2022
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Friday, April 15, 2022
Opening Presentation
Keynote Presentation
Breakout Presentation 1
- RNR In the Real World - Part 1; Tom Granucci, LCSW
- Rorschach Applications in a Forensic Setting; Abraham Loebenstein, PhD; Madeleine Starin, PsyD
- PowerPoint Updated 4/22
- Handout
- An Evidenced Based Practical Curriculum for the Treatment of Juveniles who have Sexually Offended; Norbert Ralph, PhD, MPH
- Mobile Crisis: A Blueprint for Design and Implementation; Kate Grammy, PsyD; Jennifer MacKinnon, LMFT; Dan Marshall
- Is There Life After AB 1810 and SB 317? Laura Arnold, JD; Honorable Stephen Manley; Penny Bernhisel, LCSW; Stephanie Regular, JD
- PowerPoint Updated 4/22
- Words to Deeds - Get Connected! Opportunities to Advance Statewide Best Practices in Crisis Response; Ashley Mills, MS; Jonathan Porteus, PhD; Stephanie Welch, MSW
- PowerPoint 1
- PowerPoint 2 Added 4/11
Breakout Presentation 2
- RNR in the Real World - Part 2; Tom Granucci, LCSW
- Effective Expert Testimony in Court: Understanding What Gets Admitted or Excluded if an Expert's Opinions are Challenged; John Philipsborn, MEd, JD, MAS
- The Importance of Adolescent Brain Development in relation to Franklin Hearing Evaluations: Research to Practice; Nicole Vienna, PsyD; Di Nguyen, PsyD
- Using the Inventory of Problems – 29 (IOP-29) to Evaluate the Credibility of Presented Mental Health Problems; Donald Viglione, PhD; Luciano Giromini, PhD
- Behavior Management in a Forensic Population; Setareh Khan-Mohammadi, PsyD; Seaaira Reedy, PsyD, CCHP-MH
- Words to Deeds - California IST Solutions Workgroup; Katherine Warburton, DO; Melanie Scott, PsyD; Stephanie Clendenin
Breakout Presentation 3
- Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health Partnerships: Results of San Diego’s Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Learning Academy and Curriculum for Mental Health Providers Working With the Justice Involved; Geoff Twitchell, PhD; Mack Jenkins
- PowerPoint Updated 4/12
- The Drama of Trauma: Grasping the Impact of False Web-Driven Narratives When Seeking to Prevent Harm and Heal; Glenn Lipson, PhD, ABPP; Brian Spitzberg, PhD, CTM; Wendy Patrick, BA, JD, M.Div, PhD
- PowerPoint Updated 4/22
- Latinx Masculinity and Treatment of Violence in Correctional Practice; Rogelio Serrano, LMFT, PsyD
- Veterans Who Commit Sexual Offenses: What Do We Know About Their Characteristics, Risk Factors, and Treatment Needs? Stephanie Brooks Holliday, PhD
- PowerPoint Updated 4/6
- Crisis Co-Response Teams: Fostering Collaboration Between Law Enforcement and Mental Health Professionals; Sanjay Shah, LCSW, Annadennise Briz
- Words to Deeds - Engage Me: Effective Strategies to Welcome, Serve and Support Individuals with Behavioral Health Needs Transitioning from Incarceration; Mona Minton, MA, CTP, CAIP, PhD; Andrea Dauber-Griffin, PhD; Brenda Grealish, MA
Breakout Presentation 4
- Combatting Recidivism; Rhonda Higgins, PsyD
- Striving for Accuracy in a “Noisy” World: Recognizing Bias and Error in Forensic and Clinical Decision-Making; Joseph Lockhart, PhD, ABPP; Saty Satya-Murti, MD, FAAN
- PowerPoint Updated 4/6
- Neurodevelopmental Factors for Probation Youth: Practical Approaches for Assessment and Treatment; Norbert Ralph, PhD, MPH
- Examining "Justice Involved" The Law Behind Registration and Notification Schemes; Catherine Carpenter, JD
- PowerPoint Updated 4/22
- Intentional Community Collaboration: Therapeutic Justice without Silos; Leon Evans; Christopher Zubiate, DHA, MSW
- Words to Deeds - Don’t Light Your Treatment Dollars on Fire – Securing Supported Housing to Maximize Treatment Engagement; Lahela Mattox, MA; Tyler Fong; Judi Nightingale, RN, DrPH; Rebecca Jester, LCSW; Curtis Howard
Closing Presentation 1
Closing Presentation 2
Continuing Education
13.5 Continuing Education Credits Available for: BBS, BRN, CPA, CJER/POST
9 Continuing Education Credits Available for: MCLE
Statements: FMHAC is approved by the California Psychological Association to provide continuing professional education for psychologists. FMHAC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Provider #FOR005. Course meets the qualifications for 13.5 hours of continuing education credit for MFTs, LPCCs, LEPs, and LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences through the California Psychological Association. State Bar of California MCLE Provider #15388. POST approval number 2540-28002-21-001.
9 Continuing Education Credits Available for: MCLE
Statements: FMHAC is approved by the California Psychological Association to provide continuing professional education for psychologists. FMHAC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Provider #FOR005. Course meets the qualifications for 13.5 hours of continuing education credit for MFTs, LPCCs, LEPs, and LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences through the California Psychological Association. State Bar of California MCLE Provider #15388. POST approval number 2540-28002-21-001.
Hotel Accommodations
Reserve your room early, as our room block fills up! We have secured a single/double occupancy room rate of $199 per night at the Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina. We also have a limited number of rooms at the prevailing state per diem rate. These rooms are on a fist come, first serve basis.
Complaint & Cancellation Policy
An event may be recorded and released as On-Demand content in the future.
Refunds are not guaranteed due to the cancellation of an FMHAC event, including those that are cancelled due to COVID-19 or other State Order. All other cancellation will follow standard FMHAC cancelation policies noted below.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to [email protected].
Complaints regarding instructors and/or presentation content can be sent to the FMHAC Executive Director at [email protected] and will be addressed in conjunction with the Director of Conference within 14 days.
Refunds are not guaranteed due to the cancellation of an FMHAC event, including those that are cancelled due to COVID-19 or other State Order. All other cancellation will follow standard FMHAC cancelation policies noted below.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to [email protected].
- $50 cancellation fee if request is received by February 1, 2022.
- $100 fee if received after March 1, 2022.
- Cancellations are not refunded after March 29, 2022.
Complaints regarding instructors and/or presentation content can be sent to the FMHAC Executive Director at [email protected] and will be addressed in conjunction with the Director of Conference within 14 days.